Ultimate Christmas Collection 1

  1. Christmas is church bells chiming joyfully across the wintry sky, telling of the miracle that came from God on high . Merry Christmas.

  2. Warning: Xmas has been cancelled and its all your fault! Someone told Santa that you had been good all year .. He died laughing. Merry xmas

  3. Christmas is church bells chiming joyfully across the wintry sky, telling of the miracle that came from God on high . Merry Christmas.

  4. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas & a great new year. Hopefully Santa will be extra good to you. Merry Christmas & Happy new year

  5. Chritmas ka yeh pyara tyohaar jeevan mein laye khushiyan apaar, santa clause aaye aapke dwar, subhkamna hamari kare sweekar. Merry Charistmas.

  6. " X'mås '' + ,*, + * * ,:';*$ ,:;$_;%:, ,_;:#*;:;$:&_,_, ThiS CHRISTMAS TREE is JusT FoR u.It BrinGs WitH it HopE,JoY,Love&PeacE,Merry Xmas.

  7. Itz tHE mönth of cÄkEs N cÄndlEs.. snöw N songs.. cÉlEbrations N dEcorÄtions.. LaughtEr N LövE.. Itz DEcEmbEr! Wishing u a LövEly n fun-filled.

  8. Lets welcome the year which is fresh and new,Lets cherish each moment it beholds, Lets celebrate this blissful New year. Merry X-mas

  9. your as big boned as father christmas claus, your as stupid as a donkey, your as shit in bed as a camal, but your still the right person for me!

  10. May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow. Wish you lots of love, joy and happiness. MARRY CHRISTMAS


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